Complex Systems represent large-scale interconnects of heterogenous components, adaptive agents, and nonlinear actors. In modern usage, these are often networks-of-networks or systems-of-systems with multi-scale feedback and emergent behaviour.
The canonical example is an ecosystem which supervenes cyber-physical infrastructure with socio-technical utilization and smart-assets.
Many new and emerging technologies are defined by their integrated and connected nature. The attributes of a complex system arise in most disruptive and ubiquitous spaces:
* Cyber-Physical Assets/Infrastructure; Smart-Grids, Smart-Fleets.
* Industrie 4.0; Smart-factories, Lights-out facilities, Printed-Edge.
* Autonomous Vehicle Networks; Infrastructure & Traffic Management.
* Unmanned Airspace; Integrity-as-a-Service, Smart-Corridors.
* Blockchain Logistics; Smart-Auctions, Agile Markets.
* Integrated "2.0" Frameworks; Health/Transport/Agri/Government.
* IoT; Sensors, Devices, Everything,
The increasing complexity of engineered systems is driving a phase-transition known as the hypermodern era.
This era is marked by topological dynamics, network articulations, and configuration spaces that outpace data-driven analytics and even invalidate most KPI/insights.
By 2025, many complex systems will no longer derive new value from data. Data only gets you so far.
Ensemble Consilience and Holistic Optimization (ECHO) is a novel approach to complex systems measurement, evaluation, and refinement.
ECHO reconciles multiple-criteria about model properties, structural invariants, and data-minimal features. ECHO utilizes proprietary similarity and fitness-for-purpose metrics. The framework combines some of the latest applied research from information and complexity theory, game-theory, gaph-theory, topology, and network science.
Most KPI-based assessments are bloated and completely out of touch when it comes to complex systems. We utilize futureproof, domain-agnostic, and data-minimal approaches.
Our expert knowledge. Our catalysis comes from R&D and SR&ED funding. We have an AI-augmented team. We're eager to partner, collaborate, and innovate the tools and techniques necessary for these undertakings. This headstart gives us a competitive advantage that is passed onto clients.
Our packaged delivery. We're streamlining our solutions into automated workflows, custom analytics, converged metrics, and fast delivery. We will eventually incorporate smart-contracts and provide MXaaS ("mexas", or metrics-as-a-service) as part of our business.
We hope you'll grow with us. We're getting in front of the hard problems with an emerging discipline.
We're growing rapidly.
Expect updates and an expanded website soon!